Let us explain why it is so effective
Ehud Abrahamson
40 years of experience and 90% success
The Abrahamson Method was established here in Israel and developed by Ehud Abrahamson.
The Abrahamson Method’s great advantage lies in the fact that this is the only method that treats both urge and desire. The method is completely natural, based on the holistic understanding that body, soul and consciousness are a single unit…
A brief efficient and effective treatment
A single treatment reduces the urge to smoke and leaves one with a sense of indifference or rejection of nicotine.
More than 40 years of success
Abrahamson leads the smoking cessation field in Israel with a success rate exceeding 90%.
Treating you with Incentive
In contrast to other methods and workshops that focus on persuasion, the Abrahamson Method also treats your desire and urge to smoke
The leading method in Israel
All surveys and independent studies have found that Abrahamson is the leading and best Institute in Israel for smoking cessation treatment.
Lifelong accompaniment and support
A one-year guarantee and lifelong telephonic support.
Without tablets, drugs or substitutes
A unique and natural holistic treatment that integrates pressure points from the world of acupuncture and makes no use of chemicals or harmful substances.
Say goodbye to smoking
Quick and easy
They already quit
All the comparative and independent studies conducted in Israel have proven the efficacy of the Abrahmson method and, the last survey of ”Wisdom of the Crowd” in July 2018, established that Abrahamson is the leading and best Institute for smoking cessation treatment in Israel.
What will happen when I quit smoking?
A method that reduces the desire to eat
sugar and carbs! A New life begins with after one session
When I'll quit I will
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Results in 3 steps
Natural treatment that lowers the urge for chocolates, pizzas, pastas, harmful carbohydrates and more...
Consultations with a nutritionist specializing in sugar and carbs-free diets.
The Facebook support group that accompanies you throughout the process and helps you even when it's not easy.